CONADECH profile (english version)
Visión: Become a nationally and internationally recognized and certified civil society by their processes generation in favor of integral food security and communitarian development that contribute to public policies and solve social sector issues.
Misión: We are a group of professionals that promotes rural development through quality services and consultancy, project and opportunity diversification to improve the quality of life for persons, sectors, and regions of limited means, indigenous communities, and vulnerable groups.
1. To consolidate water control and integral management of water suitable for human consumption in Indigenous communities in Chiapas.
2. To improve familiar nutrition and the integral feeding of beneficiaries linked to the consolidation of dominant productive systems and income generation.
Conadech, A.C. is a counsil formed to search the development of the state of Chiapas, a non-profit organization, allowing the professionals that form this group to perform projects for local entities, associations and indigenous producer groups.
We are a multidisciplinary group forming a network that works in the different regions of the state of Chiapas with broad technical knowledge and high experience level applying processes for the integral development of marginalized communities, using proved methodologies to optimize results and make more efficient the use of resources to increase the impact in the living improvement of the population.
We count with 2 offices in the state, one in Tuxtla Gutiérrez Chiapas and the other in Pantelhó, Chiapas. You can contact us:
Telephone: +529611723822 (Dr. Ricardo Paniagua. Legal Representative).
Diagnostic Services:
Socioeconomic, territorial and/or sectorial diagnostic.
Nutritional problematic in under 5 year old children studies.
Sectorial and territorial analysis for productive chains.
Territorial context analysis.
Productive project evaluation.
Monitoring for projects and work plans.
Product offer and demand analysis.
Training and Technical Advising
Industrial and productive projects.
Strategic actions reports and intervention proposals.
Basic grains production.
Organic crops production.
Backyard orchard production.
Integrated watershed management.
Organic compost production.
Design and management of municipal plans.
Event organization.
Sustainable forestry projects.
Municipal and regional project Experience:
Agri-food chain development (coffee, flowers, fruits, orchards) familiar and commercial.
Strengthening of capacities in high marginalization indigenous communities.
Planning, execution and evaluation of productive, touristic, and sustainable forestry projects.
Social evaluation in rural zones.
Participatory training courses in topics of gender, planning, human, indigenous and women rights, organizational strengthening and communitarian promoters formation.
Rural microfinance (saving and loan community funds).
Apiculture, agricultural and backyard projects.
Monitoring and evaluation of institutional programs (federal, state and municipal).
Municipal, regional and state communitarian diagnostics.
Material design for dissemination and technical brochures to support advising and training.
Recent projects
A) 2021-2024 Started a basic financial education program with families, mainly working with women and productive groups. We provided electronic tablets with customized software to manage operations and finances for coffee, honey, and chicken hatchery production. Also, created communitarian saving funds and promoted the culture of savings. 20 ferrocement tanks for water harvesting with 20 purification systems were built for 20 families. We have strengthened productive systems with backyard orchards, tools for coffee production, materials to expand apiaries, and poultry houses and incubators for eggs and chicken production. Also continued monitoring children with acute malnutrition and growing problems and supplied complementary feeding.
B) Food system consolidation, nutritional orientation and income generation project. September 01, 2018 to August 31, 2021. Funded by Kellogg Foundation-CONADECH,A.C. Attention to 15 localities of Pantelhó, Chiapas (450 families).
1) Food production, nutrition and income generation impulse. May 01, 2014 to April 30, 2015. Founded by Kellogg Foundation-CONADECH, A.C.. Attention to 8 localities of Pantelhó, Chiapas (250 families).
2) Strengthening of Food systems and Nutritional Orientation project. April 01, 2016 to March 31, 2018. Founded by Kellogg Foundation-CONADECH, A.C. Attention to 11 localities in Pantelhó, Chiapas (350 families)
C) Temporary Employment Program. 2014-2018. Benefiting 250 families in 8 localities of the municipality of Pantelho, Chiapas Founded by SEMARNAT (Goverment Office).